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A little over a year.

The last time I saw Hades was at the end of January 2021. During that time she told me, "I am never coming back to Los Angeles again." Well, a year later she is now a resident of Los Angeles and lives not but ten minutes away from me. Needless to say, I am quite excited bout this for many reasons. Hades and I have always had a special type of friendship that I love and adore. The fact that she is now only a few miles away from me instead of a 6 hour drive is elating.

Yesterday we got together for a day of food, drink and good times. We started with Guisadoes for lunch at a park that overlooked the LA skyline. Bistek Roja, Pollo de Tinga, Chicharron and chorizo con papas for me; Pollo de Tinga and Bistek Roja for her. Of course, horchata for both of us. We sat in the park, ate our tacos and gazed at the rare sight of the Los Angeles skyline smog free, blue skies and not a cloud around. It felt so surreal to sit with my dear friend and think that she was not going anywhere. That there would be no goodbye, see you in a year.

After, we ended up back at my studio. I am currently watching my friend's Doberman puppy, so we had to jet back and get Ozzy and Kylea on a walk. Since we were at my studio, of course the cameras came out. We shot a few Polaroids against the wall with some beautiful sun coming through the blinds. A quick little photo session later we were on our way to drink, eat and be merry. Destination; Lowboy.

My friend Derek had shown me this spot a few months ago and Hades mentioned how she was craving a good burger. There were several places that we could have gone that come to mind. Monty's Good Burger, Burgers Never Say Die, and more. However, drinks were in order and this was the exact spot to go. We sat outside for hours and hours just chatting, catching up and connecting. One of my favorite things is to immerse myself with the person I am with. Sure I will take my phone out and snap a photo, video or boomerang. However, right after that is captured the phone goes away and I dive right back into where I need to be; all of my attention right as the person in front of me and nowhere else.

You will be seeing a lot more of Hades in my feed, so keep your eyes peeled. We are just getting started.

These Polaroids were captured on Fujifilm FP=100C Color Professional film with a Polaroid 600SE, Polaroid 600 Type B&W film with a Polaroid SLR680, Polaroid SX-70 Type Color film with a Polaroid SX-70 Sonar OneStep and Polaroid Originals Spectra Type B&W film with a Polaroid Spectra SE.

- AW Media



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