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One of the best things about living in Los Angeles is having the immense amount of creatives in close proximity to be able to shoot. This lady moved to Los Angeles during the thick of the pandemic, but I am so glad she did. We have been able to connect and establish an amazing friendship over the time that she has lived here.

On this day she came over for a quick catch up and a shoot after I had got home from work for the day. The light was low, the sun was quickly fading behind the horizon so we had to shoot quick. She brought a couple outfits with her and i had landed on this lingerie set because I love it so much. We only shot for about fifteen minutes before the sun was too far gone and we had no more light to create. Granted, I could have bumped up my ISO, but I loathe shooting over a 400. Some people like grain, I simply do not.

The rest of the time was pent drinking coffee and talking about our dogs, as dog owners do. I have had the pleasure of seeing this lady several times since her move and even being able to cook a meal for her. When I look at photos I shoot of close friends, it just immediately bring back all of the memories I have with them. Enjoy!

- AW Media




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