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I have lived two doors down from Miki for over a year and this is the first time I have every asked her to step in front of my cameras for me. A year too long, but a special occasion. The first test of my new SLR680.

I recently purchased a completely refurbished and mint condition Polaroid SLR680 from my friend Chris. In hindsight, he mildly baited me into buying it; which I cannot say I am mad about in the least. One day while I was at work I opening up my phone to a text from Chris saying "Hey! If you know anyone who would be looking to purchase this let me know. I have two and most certainly do not need both." My response was simple, "Uh, yea. Hey. Hi. Fucking me!" That, is the end of the story. A few weeks later I went down to pick up my new 'holy grail' of Polaroid cameras. It was the first time I had seen Chris in a long time but unfortunately we were not able to catch up or hang out because he was dealing with a sick wife and a leaking sink; homeowner life.

The next day I had off work and I was clicking through Instagram stories and saw that Miki had posted about her being out and about in the Fashion District. I messaged her and asked her if she had the time in the day to come by and test out my new camera I would absolutely love that. I always get nervous when sending people messages like that because I am afraid of the 'no' result that could possibly come. However, since I have known Miki for some time now and she is the fiancé of my very good friend Richard, the answer was yes and a time was set for 3P.M.

I took the pack of film that I had purchased from Chris at the same time as the camera out of my friend and waited around for three. The pack came to room temperature and I thought about how I now had another type of film that I had to start purchasing a bulk of; 600 Type. A type I have not shot consistently in a very long time. Reasoning? Well, I do not really have a 600 Type camera that I loved to work with. The only other two 600 Type's I had shot with now live in Arizona. The Polaroid Sun660 and the Polaroid One600. However, now that I have this SLR680, I will be shooting the Type all the time.

Finally, 3P.M. I loaded the pack and Miki walked in the door. We got right to work with a quick fifteen minute shoot. I blasted through the pack as we cycled through some poses. At one point during the shoot Miki asked me "What should we do next!?" in response I said "Let's do some weird hand shit." as I wrapped my hands around my head in an interesting fashion. A slight giggle came out of Miki as she began to mimic what I was doing. Definitely one of my favorite exposures from this test shoot.

Of course, I had to break out the 600SE for a couple pack film exposures as well. How could I not? Miki is an amazing model and a delightful lady it would feel incomplete if I did not break out my favorite Polaroid camera. Enjoy!

These exposures were shot on Polaroid Originals 600 Type Color film with a Polaroid SLR680 and Fujifilm FP-100C Color Professional film with a Polaroid 600SE.



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