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A film short with a friend in need.

I always check in on my close friends. It may be daily, twice a week or once every two weeks. When someone crosses my mind I immediately text them and let them know. One day Ariel crossed my mind so I did what I always do, I texted her. We ended up down a rabbit hole of conversation and all of the things she was currently dealing with and going through. It was a lot, to say the least.

It is in my DNA to lend a helping hand, so that is exactly what I did. We planned a day for her to come up to my studio the following week so we could shoot some exclusive content for her OnlyFans. The plan was simple, a film short showcasing her sultry and unique look and vibe. With the ideas spinning around in our minds we got solidified the plan for the next week.

When I got off work day of shoot I ran home, walked Kylea and then began running around like a mad man getting all of the things I needed to make this shoot come to life. From grabbing studio lights from a friend to setting up my studio all while my neighbor taught me how to use these App powered LED light bars he lent me for the shoot. I finally had a moment to breath after everything was in order so I sat down, cracked a beer and ordered pizza for us since Ariel had not eaten all day.

Pizza smashed, she got into outfit and we got to work. The shoot was about and hour long and she was an absolute natural at shooting video. It was extremely hard to narrow down the content we shot in order to compile this short, all of it was so good and so smooth. Enjoy!

- AW Media


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