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This trip was so amazing and much needed in countless ways. It was my first time shooting since the lockdown in the Greater Los Angeles Area started, which was March 6th. I had tried to pick up my camera snd shot other things like my plants, the streets and more, but it just was not the same. There are so many different fields of photography and each creative is drawn to a different subject. For me, nothing compares to creating with a lady and the story behind the shoot.

Lu and I had planned this trip only a couple days prior to heading out to Joshua Tree. She told me that she had Sunday off and I moved around my work schedule to accommodate. I knew I needed this day to create, spend time with a friend and just get out of the city for a little. It was the first time I shot, taken to the road or seen a close friend in some time. It almost felt surreal, like a time hop back to pre-COVID days. On the drive out it felt even more like a dream. Time with a friend, catching up, laughing and chatting. Music in the background with their wind blowing through our hair; sheer bliss.

When Lu and I first arrived to Joshua Tree we stopped at Walgreens to pick up a snack and a couple drinks. I masked up and walked into the store where I was greeted with something of surprise. Joshua Tree was 'business as usual'. No one was wearing masks, not even employees. There were no sneeze guards up in front of the registers and it seemed like everyone had not but a care in the world. It caught me so off guard I felt like I was walking into a bar that only serves locals and everyone stops and looks at me. From living in Downtown Los Angeles where everyone is so tight about wearing a mask and social distancing, it was off putting to me. I grabbed my things and quickly left the building, upon getting back into the car I sanitized and we were back on the road.

The previous day I had gone to the National Park website and checked to see if the park was open. Regrettably, it was not. So we traveled up one of my favorite alternative roads and drove down a dirt path to this location. An open field with hundreds of bushes blooming with beautiful yellow flowers. Lu put on her blue overalls and we got to the fun. I would tell you the wind was not cooperating with us, but looking at these final images, I think the wind adds a fun bit of depth to the images and really draws you to the location as if you were there. At some points, the gusts of wind were so strong it almost knocked us over off of our feet.

With several formats shot including digital, 35mm, Polaroid and more, Lu and I took a short break. I went into the cooler, cracked open a couple of beers and we sat on the tailgate of my Jeep, listened to music and really took in the surroundings. We kept exclaiming to each other how beautiful this truly was and how much we both needed it. With our beers close to finished, I picked up a couple more cameras and we finished out the look. More of the story and other looks to come. For now, Enjoy!

- AW Media




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