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During this pandemic, it is making a lot of people long for an array of different things. I feel as if a lot will now not be taken for granted. I truly miss trips into the desert with friends. Most of all, I miss shooting.

Back in September when Mara and I first met, we went to Joshua Tree National Park for an entire day worth of shooting and several different looks. I have already released three looks from this day, if you missed them; join the $10+ tiers and gain access to them in my archive.

Mara brought a suitcase with her and it was not a regular sized carry on luggage suitcase. It was a full sized suitcase that was filled with all of her best outfits. When she pulled out these overalls I knew I wanted to shoot them. It is interesting how my brain works. I can be in a location and have no idea what I want to shoot, but then as soon as I see the outfits at hand, an entire scene comes rushing to the forefront of my brain. I immediately see every single shot that I want to capture and exactly what I want the set to look like. That is what happened with these overalls.

Earlier in the day we tried heading down this road to shoot and then were ungraciously attacked by a horde of bees. After we gave it some time, Mara and I decided to head back down this road to see if we could get away with shooting in the absence of their company. Thankfully, all of the bees were going and my anxiety about it was low, so we were able to knock out a couple more looks on this primitive road before the sun quickly disappear behind the infinite skyline of desert mountains.

I remember when I was shooting these, I kept pulling the camera away from my face to look at the LCD screen on the back of my digital and each time I looked, I was absolutely obsessed with the out come After throwing them into Lightroom and color balancing, I am even more excited to release these images to you guys and gals. Enjoy!

- AW Media




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