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This night still sits so vivid in my mind. Well, the entire twenty-four hours runs through my memory like it just happened yesterday because nothing like this has ever happened before. When I shoot, the normal planning period is about a week at shortest. I will go back and forth with the model setting up a date, time and talking about outfits. A week or so later, shoot time. This entire shoot transpired within less than a day. Diana and I followed one another the previous night to this shoot. Right after she followed me she messaged me saying "YES. YES. YES!!! We NEED to work together." Flattered by her enthusiasm as well as really enjoying her look, I responded and told her to let me know the next time she would be in Los Angeles and we could set something up. Diana responded with "Well, how about tomorrow? I will be flying in." I was immediately taken back and had to stop and take it all in for a minute since I had never set up a shoot for that short of a time in advance. Needless to say, it happened.

Diana arrived in Los Angeles around 2P.M. and shipped off to her hotel to relax for a minute and get ready. She has just finished working a flight and I am sure had a long day. Yes, working a flight; Diana is a flight attendant. After she relaxed for a little bit, she headed over to my studio which just so happened to be only a couple miles away from her hotel. As I am sitting here writing this to you it is making me smile thinking about how this shoot was basically meant to happen. It is almost stranger than fiction. When Diana arrived it was as if we had been friends for years. Our personalities meshed so well and we hit it off right away. It also helps that she absolutely loved my pup Kylea. I have never seen someone so excited to meet a dog before, but then again, it is Kylea we are talking about. After a greeting, some puppy love and a cup a cold brew in Diana's hands; I decided to get some shots of her by the windows before all of the natural light faded away. Those will come soon.

After she caffeinated, Diana began to pull out the outfits she had brought for me. We had spoke about how I always love a good hat, so she brought this one that I was smitten about. I decided to keep it simple. Black outfit, black hat, yellow seamless. I hope you guys and gals never get sick of the yellow, because I do not think I ever will. There is just such good application across so many different looks and styles. We worked quickly and ended up with a beautiful set. I think the reason why we both worked so quick was our stomach were both screaming at us. During the shoot I had found out that Diana is plant based, so I asked her if she had ever been to Monty's Good Burger; a vegan burger joint here in Los Angeles. She immediately perked up and told me that she loved Monty's. After she had changed into some warmer clothes, we shipped off towards the best vegan burger I have ever had.

Along the way we chatted, got to know each other a little bit more and found more commonalities. You could definitely say a friendship was in the making. She was already nagging me and giving me a hard time, in the kindest way of course, which is what made me feel that we had known each other for years. It is always so refreshing when people immediately exude their full and true personality. After we arrived at Monty's with our orders placed, the conversation continued, the laughs kept coming and the bond grew. I have stayed in touch with Diana since our shoot and it is always a blast to catch up with her from time to time.

The following day she came back over and we shot for 'Jeans' as well as a couple other looks. More to come! For now, enjoy this set!

- AW Media




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