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I always love working with new ladies and Alexa definitely falls into that list. The first time I met her was at Meredith's very first Painted Ladies show here in Downtown Los Angeles. Alexa was painted by Meredith for the show and I started following her on social media soon after that. In December when I was just getting ready to move, Alexa had messaged me on Instagram expressing interest in working together, which I was more than happy to oblige. If there is one thing that I am not good at doing is sliding into a ladies direct messages on social media asking them to work together. I think it is a combination of not wanting to bother someone as well as not being to keen on rejection. I had wanted to shoot with this lady for some time now so I was joyed that we were going to create.

One morning Alexa popped over to my studio and we set aside about two hours to shoot. I have been absolutely loving shooting in my studio for a few reasons. One; I do not have to go anywhere. I literally just have to pick up my cameras off the shelves that they live on, shoot and then put them back. No more hour long, traffic ridden drives into Los Angeles for a hour long shoot. I can crank out multiple shoots in one day now which is exactly what I need to do. Secondly; It allows me to take my time and really shoot exactly what I need and want to capture.  Lastly; I have learned the light so well in here in such a short amount of time that I know exactly where I need to shoot in the space at what time. Learning light is important and it is really hard to do so in a space that you are not used to. Anyways, back to this shoot.

Alexa pulled out her wardrobe and I was spoiled with choice. She told me that a lot of her wardrobe was late night purchases after her bar shift was over. Laying in bed, cannot sleep, so lingerie shopping ensues. Sounds exactly like what I would do if I was a lady! We shot this black look first up on the ledge of the window. As the day went on we worked out way back away from the south facing windows as more and more light poured into my studio. This was the first look that we shot and I absolutely loved it. Enjoy!

- AW Media




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