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There is a select few ladies that I will always find myself yearning to create with and Meredith is definitely one of them. In fact, she is basically at the top of the list. Every single time Meredith has stepped in front of my cameras we have created images that people love and I can tell you it is not stopping any time soon. We text quite often about new concepts, outfits and looks that we want to shoot with one another. Meredith saves a lot of her brilliant lingerie to shoot with me and I could not be more smitten about it.

This was the first look Meredith and I shot back in December. I have always believed that you never want to shoot your favorite look first. I consider it almost a waste because neither the photographer or model are warmed up, connected or flowing yet. Always start with a look that you will like, but certainly not your favorite. This whole shoot was based around the images that were already released to you guys and gals last month; we shot that second to this look. I knew I wanted to start off with something simple and a black set with thigh highs was calling our names. We spent this entire look moving around in front of the main windows in my studio. It is where the best light is, so it was an easy choice. With a quick fifteen minute shoot Meredith and I got several key shots and moved onto the main reason for the shoot. Now, that is not to diminish this set in the least. A famous photographer once said "An amateur shows all that they capture, a professional shows only a select few." This courses through my mind on the regular, especially while I am shooting and editing. When shooting with Meredith, we always get an array of great shots, but the image above Meredith and I decided it was 'the' shot. It is the one that people look at and say "wow."

We have several more looks planned and a couple more already shot that I still have to work through in post, but for now. Enjoy this set!

- AW Media




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