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Long Beach, California is home to a lot of great things. Great food, stunning neighborhoods, amazing breweries and also the home of this lady. It is staggering how powerful social media is at letting new people into your life and I am so glad it brought me and Lu together for this shoot. We set a day to get together at my friend Christina's house in Long Beach to knock out a couple looks and this was the first one we shot. When she pulled out her outfits and I laid eyes on this set I was smitten with joy I absolutely love black lingerie especially when it has additional straps and some metal accents.

We of course started in Christina's living room. With all of the plants, beautiful light and a complimenting couch it was hard not to want to shoot here. I had Lu start on the couch and directed her through one of her first shoots. Thinking back on this day now, it was such a blast. With Christina in the room, all of us were laughing and talking in between almost every shot. It was such a comfortable and almost familiar experience.

We made quick work on this look between digital and analogue. After we wrapped this look Lu and I got ready to shoot our second look on the roof of Christina's house which was already released to you guys and gals. Hundreds of images shot, many Polaroids in the process of developing and a new connection made; we packed up our things and shipped off to lunch. I feel that it is almost a necessity to enjoy a meal after a shoot and that is exactly what we did. Lu and I went to a suggestion of Christina's; Little Vice. A small and cute taco shop in the heart of Long Beach. As we sat, drank and ate a friendship began to form even more. Lu and I had so much in common it was easy to let the conversation flow, the laughter to burst and the warm feeling of connecting over great food filling my soul. What a brilliant day. I hope to see Lu sometime in the near future and shoot some more images of this amazing woman. Enjoy!

- AW Media




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