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As a lot of you know, Joshua Tree National Park is hands down one of my favorite places to go adventure and shoot in. The vast range of landscape, scenery and seemingly infinite sky is what does it for me. I have shot in a lot of different places around the United States and I still think this is at the top of my list.

This was the first time Jean and I had met. We set up a shoot and I originally pitched going up to the Alabama Hills in Lone Pine, California, but the drive was just a little to far for her at that point in time. So, Joshua Tree it was. She arrived to my place in the late morning and we began our drive into the desert; talking, laughing and getting to know one another. With a lot of similarities and meshing personalities, it was easy to see that the content we were going to create would be good. I can just always get that feeling when meeting someone.

When we got to Joshua Tree, we descended my favorite road, the only primitive road on mostly all of Joshua Tree National Park. After a few mile drive down we arrived at my favorite spot within the park. Jean and I grabbed out things and headed into the massive rocks. When we arrived at the first spot, Jean put down her things and began pulling outfits exclaiming "What would you like to shoot first?" I just shrugged and said "How about just nude, over there on those rocks?" She laughed and obliged. I think that one small interaction, that one small exchange of words, threw the rest of the day into sheer bliss. Jean told me later, during another time we were together that she absolutely loved that I said that and it was such a good ice breaker.

I sent her off to the other side of these massive rock formations and we began to shoot. Jean's posing was phenomenal, the lighting was perfect and the results speak for themselves. I have to say, some of my favorite images from this set are the last few. I also must say, the skies are not edited or enhanced to give that deep gradient. Those are the natural skies of Joshua Tree. Enjoy!

- AW Media




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