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There is just something about meeting the right lady and what it does for your inspiration and creative drive. Lu most definitely falls into that category of the right lady. We had followed each other on Instagram for a couple weeks and then I decided to reach out to her and ask if she wanted to shoot. I was pleased when she responded and said yes! We booked a day about a month and a half out since she has such a busy schedule. Ever since then we had responded to each other's stories, texted back and forth and really got to know one another. The amount of similarities we had was just astounding. Music, philosophies of life, everything; we even added one another on Co-Star and we have all smiley faces which means our compatibility as friends is perfect!

A few days before the shoot I was trying to lock down a location in Long Beach, California. I texted my friend Christina to see if I could use her apartment as a location. She responded with "Yes! Absolutely! But you have to shoot photos of both of us." Since that was the only stipulation, I was in. I mean, why would I not want to shoot photos of two mega babes together.

Shoot time: 12:00P.M.

I showed up a little early and caught up with Christina since I had not seen her in months. It is always great catching up with friends and we chatted for some time before Lu arrived. The second she did, Lu hopped into the conversation and we spend probably the first half hour just talking and laughing. We talked about Christina's new boobs, traffic and of course hiking; all of the quintessential Southern California things to talk about. All at the same time, Lu was pulling outfits and I was sifting through them sorting out what I wanted to shoot first, second and where in Christina's place.

This is actually the last look that we shot, but I was so excited about it I edited it first. Christina reminded me that she had roof access to her building so we took a climb up the rackety staircase. As soon as we reached the roof I was smitten. Perfect light, beautiful whispy clouds scratching across the horizon and beautiful palm trees in the background to accompany. I had Lu put on this amazing mesh bodysuit and a brilliant pair of shorts to go with it. I spent most of this look lying on the scolding hot roof shooting upward. Needless to say the combination of everything; the sky, the trees, the outfit and of course the beautiful Lu posing for me. These photos came out absolutely amazing! Enjoy!

Lu has requested that these images only be shared censored. I always must respect a models wishes.

- AW Media




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