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My best friend Anna was in town for basically the entirety of August. This means I was able to see her several times over that visit. We shot twice and hung out for countless days. It was honestly amazing; this was the most time Anna and I have been able to spend together consecutively. I care easily say that our bond was strong prior to, but it is now even stronger. While we were shooting in the pool I opened a new pack of SX-70 film and the Creative Brief was 'The peanut butter to my jelly.' Which, I think was extremely fitting.

The image above was shot with the 600SE and it will probably always remain my new favorite FP-100C exposure. I sent it to my friend Chris Cheney and he said "That is the pro-est FP exposure I have ever seen. You could tell me that Helmut Newton shot that and I would be like 'Oh okay crazy.'" Which is probably one of the biggest compliments I have ever received. Enjoy!

All of these Polaroids were shot on either Fujifilm FP-100C Color Professional film with a Polaroid 600SE or on Polaroid Originals SX-70 Type Color film with a Polaroid SX-70 Sonar OneStep.

- AW Media



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