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Overcast rarely ever happens in Los Angeles, but this weekend we were blessed with an entire two and a half days with perfectly diffused light and cloudy skies. It just happened to have worked out that Reed had a shoot with Anna DeMarco that weekend as well. We packed up our bags and shipped out to Pasadena, yes, Pasadena is where these were shot. We met up with Anna at her house and drove a few miles up into the mountains. With a short drive, we were in the parking lot of our hike and so close to our destination. Reed, Anna and I grabbed our bags out of the Jeep and hopped on the trail towards the location.

Anna told us that it was just a quarter of a mile hike, but it ended up being a little more than double that. Not to complain in the least, Reed and I have hiked over 7 miles to get to location before in Hawaii. After about twenty minutes of walking and trekking through the woods, we arrived at the waterfall. It started off as small glimpses of it through the moving branches of the surround trees, but with each step it came more and more into vision. The colors were wonderful, small greens coming off of the rocks mixed with the blueish tones of the wall and yellow stains from the cold waters. It was absolutely stunning.

My original intent; take behind the scenes for Reed, shoot some video for her patrons and snap some cell phone photos while I was at it. However, what actually ended up happening is I was trying to snap some photos of Reed as Anna was shooting her. Yup, secret photos once again. I cannot help when I am inspired and this space with Reed posing nude definitely did. I mean, how could it not? I was able to snag a few images without Anna in the side of the photos. I was more than please with just that. Right before we wrapped up the shoots, I asked Anna if I could snap just a few images of her on the falls and thankfully she obliged. I cannot express how happy I am with these images and I hope you guys and gals enjoy them too!

- AW Media




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