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Another month another Champion vote!  
I will make us Win at Judo!  won last month and had it first half published yesterday.  It is therefore still up for vote this month for its remaining half.
Magical Mokkori is still waiting for it's chance to shine! I highly recommend you vote for it.
The art is truly amazing.  
I am Ojousama! Vol.2  still has 6 more pages to finish this chapter. Chapter 3 is waiting in queue! 

You have until the 12th 5 PM PDT of day US to vote.

Which ever win,  will get 6 sketch pages released this month and their finalized version early next month!

Don't forget read each serie's presentation once more before you make up your mind.

Magical Mokkori: https://www.patreon.com/posts/magical-mokkori-55458916
I am Ojousama!: https://www.patreon.com/posts/i-am-ojousama-55730805
I will make us Win! At Volleyball: https://www.patreon.com/posts/i-will-make-us-55940415 
