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I will release the completed first Chapter of I am Ojousama! This upcoming week end.
While I am Ojousama! vol.2 is planned It will not be up for vote this month. Be sure to choose from one of the other three and I will publish the first half o that project Sketch (6 pages) this month. The completed 6 pages will be released next month as usual.   

I will make us Win! At Volleyball was a close second last month. I wonder, will it win this month? The other two series are really good too!

I recommend you read all these series presentation once more before you make up your mind. The poll will close Sunday at midnight MST.

Magical Mokkori: https://www.patreon.com/posts/magical-mokkori-55458916
I am Ojousama!: https://www.patreon.com/posts/i-am-ojousama-55730805
I will make us Win! At Volleyball: https://www.patreon.com/posts/i-will-make-us-55940415
Wish Upon A Star: https://www.patreon.com/posts/wish-upon-star-56052719



why does it seem that am the only one who votes for "wish upon on a star", is their anyone else?


prefer more transformation-themed content