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The September Poll is now open and my Champion Tier gets to vote on which of these 4 new series will get its first 6 pages (half of chapter) sketches uploaded this month. These 6 pages will be delivered next month in their final version.

I recommend you read all these series presentation once more before you make up your mind. The poll will close Friday at midnight MST.

Magical Mokkori: https://www.patreon.com/posts/magical-mokkori-55458916
I am Ojousama!: https://www.patreon.com/posts/i-am-ojousama-55730805
I will make us Win! At Volleyball: https://www.patreon.com/posts/i-will-make-us-55940415
Wish Upon A Star: https://www.patreon.com/posts/wish-upon-star-56052719

Some of you reached out and were wondering if the vote meant only some of these projects will get done. The answer is no, all of these projects will get at least one chapter. Voting will decide in which order they will be published.

You have until Friday Midnight to make up your mind or change it! There is no bad answer either, all of these are really good!


Team Lady Valiant

We must get wish upon a star to win!!?

Logan Carl

We must get Volleyball to win!!?


Honestly it was a difficult choice since all the artists seems insanely good! The stories with its protagonist made the difference ;)