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How y'all feeling about these two after that cliffhanger?


Kianna La'Asia

I think Zane and corrie should get a true shot at love . They didn’t really do anything bad (correct me if I’m wrong) but corrie best friend allegedly slept with him and got pregnant by him? Or something like that. Which made corrie ghost him. I don’t think he ever cheated or anything or was messing with them at the same time it was just a misunderstanding or miscommunication somewhere . But the thing is, corrie cheated on her girlfriend with Zane sooooo…..oooh idk how things will turn out for them because you lose em how you get em. 😅 BUT corrie girlfriend was still playing hopscotch with her ex sooooooo maybe they’re even. 😂 but i think they should give it a real shot.

