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So I've been seriously considering putting the content on hold for a week or two because ya girl is STILL playing catch up. I'm not as behind as I was last week, but the fact of the matter is that I'm still behind. Anyone who knows me knows I like to be organized and prepared and I'm just not either of those things at the moment. Let me give y'all a glimpse into everything I still have to get in order.

-Finish recording AND editing Episode 3 of Caught UP

-Finish recording AND editing Episode 4 of LA

-Finish casting for Episode 5 of LA

-Finish writing out Season 1 of LA

-Separate the lines for the voice actors for each episode of the season and email them out (for more than 20 overall)

-Cast for the rest of the season

On top of what I already do to make these episodes happen on a regular basis (setting up outfits for every character, logging onto more than 8 IMVU accounts to play every character, listening to voice clips from 10+ people to make sure there aren't any mistakes or background noise, editing the YouTube version of every episode I put out to you guys and more) On top of what I do outside of this as a regular human being. I am doing all of this myself. I don't have a team outside of my girlfriend who helps when she can. It's A LOT of pressure sometimes. Not to mention the constant comments EVERYDAY asking or demanding that I put out the next episode or the next project or complaining about the length yada yada. It can become overwhelming. Especially with more people gravitating to my content.

I'm still adjusting to creating voice over content and I'm still learning to balance it all out. It isn't nearly as simple as it was when I did subtitle only. But I will learn what works for me with trial and error. But I say all of that to say that this is in no way, shape or form EASY guys. I enjoy doing what I do of course because it is my passion. But it's hard work and I want to be as organized and prepared for you guys and myself as possible. I don't want to burn myself out by overloading my plate. Not to mention, when things are rushed the joy of the project starts to dwindle (at least for me) And I don't want that. I always want to put my best into everything I do in life. Anything less is unacceptable to me. 

I don't mean to rant but I like to keep you guys in the light of what's going on. I'll know soon whether or not I will be definitely pausing things or not to get everything on track. When I do decide you'll be the first to know. I thank you guys for your continued support. It means the world to me. 

Update you soon.



Life As Ray

You don’t have to explain that to us.. take your time.. we still going to be here 💕💕

Sheree traille

Take ur time an recharge we will be here when u get back I will just binge on whats available til then cause u make amazing content