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Whew. I've been trying to keep my head on straight y'all and take care of my mental health despite all the chaos around us. I'm an empath and I FEEL IT ALL! Do you hear me? I've been burying myself in my editing because it calms me. It takes me away from the reality of the world we live in for a while. My heart is hurting like many others around the globe due to the state of this country. It's disheartening to constantly see or hear about the black community being torn apart by wolves. To top it off, we're still dealing with this pandemic, which will only get worse because no one seems to be social distancing much anymore. It's a scary time and we have to protect ourselves and our loved ones. Not just physically but mentally. Take that break from social media if you need to. Cut off the news if you need to. Pray if you need to. Meditate. Do what is necessary to protect your mental health. It's just as important as your physical. With that being said I just want to say, despite all the odds stacked up against us I still LOVE BEING BLACK! My mocha skin. My kinky hair. My full lips and thick hips. Yeah, despite all the odds, I love who we are♥️ I'm done ranting. Back to recording I go. Love y'all. Be safe.




I love my people too and I'm PROUD to be MELANIN!!! ❤️

La'quice Hall
