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  • Yukis sudden growth.mp4
  • Yukis sudden growth h264.mp4



New animation is out!

I've decided from now on I'll continue making animations monthly, but these will be shorter ones where I can try out some new ideas and shorter time will allow me to play around with more detailed growth too.

As much as I love longer animation, making them monthly for more than a year, made me bit worn out when it comes to coming up with new ideas for these, as well as mood and morale to work on them.  I'll definitely be making longer stuff at some point, but it'll be more on "whenver I have a good idea for it" than having to force and rush longer thing each month.  I hope this change is understandable :)

For now, I hope you like this one! Tried to play around with some pulse/twitchy growth and more sudden spurts. Let me know what you think!

Attachments: MP4 animation in h265 and h264 codec versions.




Mavavam does good sort of pulsing growth if you wanna do more in that direction. I like it but thought that in this animation it was a little fast. Not tooooo much of a fan of the massive bursts. Bursts can be cool if done in small growth amounts.


I think this was actually really nice to see. Like it was so different from the usual stuff and while def has room for.improvement as its new for ya. I'd love go see more stuff like this from.ya