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Here is an update post for both sequel projects.

Project Claire

This one has more substantial work done, so this is probably going to be the bulk of the post. Since last update, the project now has 56 pose complete pictures. 48 are the smut and 8 of them are the story setup stuff. Of course, everything is subject to change. Some pictures might be dropped, some might be added. That said, this looking like it will be at minimum about the same size as Project X.

I've received most audio for the project, so I've put together an initial draft and done some retakes already. The project is looking to be over 7 minutes long and possibly pushing 8. The audio for the project is about 7 minutes straight without any pauses for pacing. I'm unlikely to cut any of it, so that pretty much puts that as the project's minimum runtime. With pacing, like I said, it is closer to 8 minutes.

Lighting work hasn't received as much progress but a more important confidence boost. I still sit at about 16 posters with lighting, but I've started to do a second pass on them rather than continue a first pass with later posters. I wasn't quite satisfied how the lighting and shaders were, so I wanted that to be nailed down better before continuing on. I can say I'm quite pleased with how they're looking now with the second pass, so I have a lot more confidence proceeding.

The next step for the project is gathering up the last bits of audio and finalizing the storyboard for the movie itself. That includes intro, outro, how all the pictures will be displayed, and figuring out how many elements will be animated.

Project Ada

The update here is brief but still a decent milestone. I've finalized the script, and I've shown it off to the voice actors. It's ready to record for Leon's actor (LeoGreyStone) as he has a more secondary role for the story. I'm holding off on Ada's actor (KittenVox) from recording until I have the visual storyboard more complete.

This project is... actually quite a bit more ambitious than I initially planned. With the script together, I estimate it close to 5 minutes. This is pretty beefy considering that I want it to be fully animated, unlike the other projects. The movie itself is primarily made up from 5 smut scenes, so that is not too many loops to work with. Also, this would be the first movie project to be made since learning the NLA editor, which I think will speed things up tremendously. Support and reception to the Claire project is probably going to be pivotal to proceeding with this one.


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