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I'm posting this to all patrons rather than just as a WIP because it's more of an update than anything. I don't think I've felt this stifled creatively in a while. I wanted this to be the focus animation once I got my new PC up and running, but it feels like I'm forcing it. I've worked on only this for over a week, tried and retried so many poses, and hate pretty much all of it. I've posted 6 different poses just to show you some of the madness. There's more poses and iterations that have been scrapped. I think some are decent, but I'm not sure I'll have the will to animate it anymore. I've jumped around so many different times I'm about to lose my mind. It's not far off from the point where I need to cut my losses and work on something or I won't have anything for this month.




I feel sorry that you feel that way....sometimes frustrations and stress get the better of us and we just wanna give it up. I would love to see this lil project with Miranda complete. And I know you had frustrations when you got your new computer. Maybe just take a lil breather and come back to it in a few days or so and see where you are then. I don't wanna see you give up on this (mainly cause I love Miranda) but I know how frustrating things can be in life. Like I said maybe come back to it in a couple days and who knows everything might just click for you then. I don't know, I just wanna see you succeed and produce top quality content like you have in the past.


Also the poses look great and this has some really great potential


Yeah. I felt my heart skip a beat at a the sight of a few of these. I can count the times that's happened on one hand.


Most people take a break around this time., due to the holidays. Blue should take advantage of that.


Have you considered momentarily putting it to the side and work on something else for a while? Maybe things will click once you come back to it with a fresh outlook. I love Miranda but I don't think you should force things if you're simply not feeling it.


Thanks for the support guys. I took a day off, and I'm going to give it one more go. If it doesn't work out, I'll try later. The remaster should provide lots of potential, so I don't think it will be shelved for long.