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This is gonna have to be a quick update as I'm kinda busy. I've got the main entrance to the VIP section nearly nailed down. The walls looked pretty bad when they were flat with the side rooms, but look much better when they come off at 45 degrees. The ceiling works with a similar shape. The doorway at the back will lead to the rest of the club. I also took the circular walkway from the center and scaled it up for another walkway. With the new set of walls, it actually works pretty well to give the entire room a more circular shape as it is in game. I still need to work on the floors and a few other parts, but this room of the club is almost done.




First pic looks like there's a few safety hazards on that catwalk. Like that little gap between the circular walkway and the catwalk. Second pic makes it look safer. Still waiting on that WIP imgur gallery of the scenebuild. And how are you finding the new Miranda model? Had any chance to experiment with it yet?


Floor is sill in progress, trying to get a good railing for it as well. I will get a gallery when it's complete. The new Miranda model is promising. I could probably do a write up on all the changes. It seems much better for animation.