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I've got her IK rig more or less done. What an adventure that was. The process itself was fairly simple though tedious. Ultimately, the rig is set up to use the weighting from her original bones. 

The main problem was with her spine, especially her upper chest and neck. It seemed to have to do with how poorly her original bones were weighted. In additon to her pelvis bone being too high and a useless spine 4, she has a spine 3 bone that's just awful. It's awful in SFM too, but you can easily just not use it. The rig in blender seems to automatically utilize it, so I thought the best way to fix things would be to improve the model by deleting it.

With that, I had to fix the weight painting on spine 2 and her lower neck to account for the bone change. While weight painting, I decided to utlize Blender's advantage over SFM even more. As in SFM, her neck weighting is pretty bad. It's actually because her head and upper neck still control some of her lower neck. It's was a pretty simple fix to limit their control over her lower neck, and the weighting is much better now.

Overall, the rig seems to work, and she should be ready to try out in an animation. I've been thinking about doing or poll or something about it.
