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It's a big update! Probably my most productive week in a while. With the change to blender, it's helped focus all my SFM time to the movie. First part of scene 1 is effectively done, and it comes out to around 44 seconds. This doesn't include final quality render, post processing, or much audio, but the animation is basically done. Quality of the file itself is especially low to fit on WebmShare.

Lots of non-loop animations and variation added. Some changes to camera work and lights as well. It's taken a lot longer than I'd have liked to make, but I'm rather please with the result. I'm also a lot more confident with scenes going forward. There was a lot of rust when it came to animating longer scenes for the first time in a while, and I think my workflow was pretty inefficient. Not the mention the pressure of starting the entire movie's animation from nothing. This is the first half of scene 1, and it's basically a short movie itself. I think the next scenes should be a lot easier.

Anyway, hope you guys like it.



Undercover ASSignment: Omega Scene 1 Preview - upload and host webms on webmshare

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