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So I got a timeline sorted out now...

I'm pretty upset; but it is what it is...

90% chance packages will be going out next week instead of this week.

I'm a half a month late; I'm completely flabbergasted with the amount of problems that piled on this month with my supplier and I'm really trying my best not to let the stress get to me.

I want to thank you guys again for your continued support; and those that hopped on just for the switch docks, please don't feel obligated to stick around for future months if you have no interest in the upcoming poll winners; I'm already happy with the support you've given me already.

There's been a mountain of problems ranging from docks printed incorrectly, to delayed shipping... I got an update from my supplier today, despite me asking for faster shipping with DHL on the 10th this month after getting the switch docks remade, they decided to send me the tracking today even though they confirmed with me that they would of shipped it last week on the 15th.

I asked for DHL, but they sent me a UPS tracking number telling me their agent took a week to sort out shipping with any shipping company; so I don't even know how fast the shipping will take for the UPS package; it will most likely arrive by the end of this week but I won't be home to pack any packages as I'll be leaving for Fanime on Thursday and returning home Monday/Tuesday.

So if anything, you guys might even just get the package together with your Pneuma package at this rate lmfao-- So uh; yeah.. That's my update; I don't know what else to do other than wait.

I have no plans for Switch docks in the upcoming months; this is just giving me PTSD with these patreon deadlines and the guilt of sending late packages when I have always been on time ever since I started my Patreon. I'm honestly really embarrassed and hope you guys will forgive me for my tardiness.

On a brighter side of things, those of you following up on the Xenoblade Tarot Project, that will be going up for preorders on my online store on the 1st of June. I can say for sure I am more happy talking to this supplier than the Switch Dock supplier.. Things are going way more smoothly so that's less stress on my plate.

Thank you so much for your patience everyone. I'm really really sorry with how late the package is arriving in your hands; and I'm sorry I keep apologizing but it really is hard to get rid of the guilt that is eating away at me for being late.


Jilver Mazariegos

Yeah supply delays suck but hopefully you can get that sorted out

Jarrit OS

Sounds like you're doing everything that's within your ability but crap happens, and it's outside of your control. I don't mind waiting and I'm sure others feel the same way. Hopefully that helps ease the stress just a little.

Alex Kuras

No worries, Gigi.

Zero MH

It is what it is, none of this is in your hands so no point in stressing about it. Like I said on a twitter reply, I'll patiently wait for it. I'm more than happy to keep supporting you.


It's all good! You're doing great even during a hectic con season. The delays can't be helped, but it really is okay. I'm glad you're keeping us in the loop, so don't mind waiting some more. Do what you can, and don't sweat the small stuff. Go have fun at the con!