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Hey! This time, I've fixed a major bug that existed since the beginning of OAR and added a way to save an user config for legacy mods.

The bug was causing synchronized animations to fail - killmoves, horse mounting - depending on the animation count in DefaultMale and DefaultFemale projects. Because of a game bug/assumption done by Bethesda, in the case one of them had more animations, the one that loaded later (which was always DefaultFemale with the setting 'Load Default Behaviors in Main Menu') had messed up animation binding indexes. It does not happen with DAR as it always fills the entire animation array with empty strings to the maximum, so the animation counts are technically equal - I have to handle this cleanly because of the optional animation limit increase not leaving any free space for synchronized anim indexes, so I had to do some tricks to solve it. It seems to work fine, although I only tested SE for now.

You can now save user configs for legacy mods. You can also reload them when you want to undo your changes, or delete the user config entirely to reload the original one (all through the in-game UI). Let me know if I missed something, I fixed all the bugs I found with my haphazard random testing.

I've also added a new experimental setting, enabled by default, that practically skips the animation queue. We'll see how it goes. You can disable it in the settings menu ('Hook Animation Manager') if you encounter any weirdness. Don't enable the old 'Disable Animation Queue' setting, that one will most likely be retired because of the rare animation corruption.

As always, I appreciate all your support! Hopefully this was the last elusive bug in OAR and I can start finalizing the code for release.

EDIT 0.6.1: Fixed the new Hook Animation Manager setting breaking animations with a Random condition (the randomness was causing the animation to not match the expected one)



Actually! Do all the affected idles have the Random condition? That could be a reason!


Yes, in my case all the idles have the random condition. Furthermore, I tested with a mod which randomize block animations and the t-posing occurs there also. So you might be right about the random condition being the cause. Anymay, disabling the hook animation manager works. And enabling the loading of behaviors in main menu get rid of the initial t-posing on first loading the character.


Upgrading from 0.50 to 0.60 and experiencing occasional t-pose


Not sure if its just a problem on my side but when using OAR, my character seems to be stuck in a floating sit idle and keeps on repeating front flips, walking animation also ends up stuck in the same floating sit idle... but when i swap back to DAR, the problem doesn't seem to appear, not really sure what could be causing this though


although DAR does tell me my animations are over 16k, might also be an issue with that i guess


Not sure if this bug has been reported already. If you mounted a horse then dismount it to get into an interior cell, when you're back out in the exterior cell and try to mount the same horse, it will always result in a CTD. NetScriptFramework did not produce any crash log for this particular crash so I don't know what else can be used to diagnose problem with.


It was reported back on version 0.2. Here is my two cents on it the hope it might be useful to Ersh. I have the same bug at times (ctd with no crash log). But for me it seems to be random. At least I cannot reproduce it like you, tridbee (dismount in exterior cell, enter interior cell, mount again in exterior cell and crash). Mine seems to happen when I left the horse a "long" time before trying to mount it again. I'm still not sure that OAR is the cause. Still, with DAR it doesn't happen, so...