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Hey! While trying to double the 32k animation limit I stumbled upon a ridiculously simple change that seems to make actors not use the animation queue AT ALL.

No more having to manually load all the replacement animations, no more waiting for the animation queue, no more T-Pose,

I couldn't find any drawbacks. It just works.

It's very experimental as I'm not sure whether this affects anything else, I'm not really playing the game now. All I can say that I didn't notice anything wrong that should immediately come up while testing.

I commented out a lot of the stuff that I've added since 0.2.4 (like loading the behavior projects right at the start menu so the queue starts earlier) as it all doesn't seem necessary anymore.

The 32k limit is still not doubled yet but I guess I can see the light in the tunnel now? At this point I managed to load more than 32k animations that seemed to work correctly, but the killmoves stopped working, so yeah. Still not ready.

If the animation queue removal really is what it seems to be, I'll probably remake Animation Queue Fix to do that instead, so DAR can benefit as well, while I keep working on OAR.

EDIT: So some of you are having issues with the change in 0.3.0, it doesn't really seem like it's animation specific. Unfortunately I haven't been able to cause the issue on my machine yet. All the animations load correctly in my case, so I don't know what to really look at. The change is just a single bool (that changes A LOT somewhere down the line), so there's nothing immediately obvious to tweak and test there.

Hopefully it's solvable as it's a much better solution than the janky queue.

EDIT 0.3.1: Please try out 0.3.1 if you've had any issues with 0.3.0. I now only change once place where that bool was used, instead of changing the bool itself (it's used in a few other places). Seems to work like 0.3.0 did for me, so maybe this change is enough and now it won't cause any rare side effects like some of you are experiencing?

EDIT: Removed 0.3.1 as it's definitely broken. Not the way to go.

EDIT 0.3.2: Reverted to 0.3.0 and added a mutex. Could help if this is a multithreading messup.



Seems like the new update breaks "Dodge MCO|DXP" aswell. Can´t dodge anymore. Switching to earlier version of OAR fixed it.


Trying out 0.3.1 and appears that something broke with the conditions used by "EVG Conditional Idles", as soon as my character got to the "cold threshold" the walking animation got all messed up running super fast. Reverting to 0.3.0 fixed the problem, let me know if I can give any more feedback on this. Thank you for all the effort you've put into this :)


Sounds like that didn't help at all :/ It can't be the conditions, it seems it's a random animation that gets corrupted.


I have tried out v0.3.0, and don't have noticed any issues with glitched animations yet, including DMCO, so I think it is either random or depends on the concrete animation list. However, I did notice an increase in loading time, but it is by far not as dramatic as in @BL4DE 's case. I am on 1.5.97 (not downgrade-patched), with an SSD. (Concretely, for V2.X, it was 2-3 load screen texts on first load, now it is 5-7) Do you evaluate conditions in a multithreaded way? If so, could it be that there is a race condition somewhere? This could explain the randomness / non-deterministic instances.


Same here, after loading the save with 0.3.1 my character & lydia where frantically jiggling around in a sort of T-Pose, reverting to 0.3.0 made everything work again


Yeah, I see 0.3.1 is just broken. Removing it, no point in testing that.


Nope, conditions are evaluated on a single thread (only the initial file parsing is multithreaded), but the game might be loading multiple behaviors on different threads and maybe that's what screws up. The first version of Animation Queue Fix had this issue where it could randomly mess up animations. It was a thread issue that was solved by locking a mutex before calling the function. Maybe it's a similar thing.


I testes a bit further and noticed that when using bows the animation for arrow release sometimes was showing corrupted (my character became a tentacle or something, during the animation) but it’s from a mod not using “DAR”, noticed it was being affected in 0.3.0, fix was reverting to 0.2.X So yha def not the conditions, assumed as much cause the animation being played speedy was for warmth I have a savegame just for replicating the problem (sharing loadorder issues aside) if you need any extra info, let me know :)


Still reporting that some animations in the Immersive Interactions and the Stances - Dynamic Animation Sets (movesets should change because of Perk condition changes) are still bugged in 0.3.2.


Hello Ersh, is there a way to trace crashes caused by SKSE plugin(s)? OAR 0.2.4 works fine before on my end but once I install either 0.3.0 or 0.3.2 I consistently crash after the game's finished loading either via new game or save load and NetScriptFramework did not produce any crash log to speak of so I can't even test latest versions.


Jittering animation is solved with 0.3.2, I'll have to play more to see if something comes up, but seams to be ok, however, the bug I found with the bow animation (after arrow release, character becomes a kraken) occurs with 0.3.2 (0.2.4 is fine) Sidenote: I stated that the animation mod didn't use DAR, but I was wrong it does use it (Smooth Bow Animation)


No idea, the crash logger should produce a log. Anyway, it seems the queue-less way is a no-go even though it seems to work for the majority, me included :(


Could it be due to something with nemesis? This specific mod requires Payload Interperter that requires nemesis… Re run nemesis and the problem changes, instead of kraken now I get a weird bow hold https://i.imgur.com/ttrlPTy.jpg Run on 0.2.4 just to confirm, no problem there


Crash Logger doesn't help either, it does not produce any crash log like it should be. Fortunately I got a log file from OAR itself and there's an error like this: E:\Repos\OpenAnimationReplacer\src\main.cpp(115): [info] OpenAnimationReplacer v0-3-2-0 E:\Repos\OpenAnimationReplacer\src\Settings.cpp(32): [info] Reading .ini... E:\Repos\OpenAnimationReplacer\src\Settings.cpp(34): [info] ...success E:\Repos\CommonLibSSE-NG\src\SKSE\Interfaces.cpp(272): [error] Failed to dispatch message to MergeMapper E:\Repos\OpenAnimationReplacer\src\main.cpp(23): [info] MergeMapper not detected This is the only error I can find, the rest are warning on missing keywords which are skipped.


Yeah, that's not an error, that's fine. Just means you don't have MergeMapper installed.


I don't think so, I think it's a random animation that fails. Maybe there's a memory limit there and once you pass it something weird happens.


I dunno why but after I installed the 0.3.2 update with the papyrus tweaks ng update my loading times for skyrim have nearly tripled and I'm loving it I don't even understand why since I changed nothing but these 2 mods and now im speed ily precious duck man.


0.3.2 DRASTICALLY improved my loading speed for some reason... BUT a bunch of random animations would make my character fold up like a lawn chair and travel about 3 feet below the surface making it impossible to use. Reverting back to 0.2.4


I also get the skeleton collapsing bug when I start up on my character (Using version 3.2 on skyrim se 1.6.640), however it fixes itself after a few seconds after moving, and it only happens in places (on load) where my fps would drop to or below 30fps which for me is Riverwood. This is me just speculating with having little to no previous experience but what was everyone's framerate when the bug happened, it could be a havoc issue when the animations load up this way when at low fps...?

vai1lyn (edited)

Comment edits

2023-02-02 06:07:09 Oh, so it is THAT bug? Where you start spinning & breakdancing? Yes, this isn't specific to OAR, I had it with DAR. But I haven't seen it again since OAR, because my framerate is much better now.
2023-01-28 19:29:02 Oh, so it is THAT bug? Where you start spinning & breakdancing? Yes, this isn't specific to OAR, I had it with DAR. But I haven't seen it again since OAR, because my framerate is much better now.

Oh, so it is THAT bug? Where you start spinning & breakdancing? Yes, this isn't specific to OAR, I had it with DAR. But I haven't seen it again since OAR, because my framerate is much better now.


As an addition to my previous post, I was able to get the skeleton to collapse while having 53+ fps while using ABR 5.2's combos with one handed katana's.... so it probably is not actually tied to framerate I also went into the ground while the animation plated then went back up perfectly normal afterwards. So it could be there is more than one bug that causes animations to glitch....