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Rare double post today, but was so happy with those results that I wanted to publish. (so tomorrow will have a rest day)

As usual, yesterday I tried something different again, and after a bit I got those crazy results.
But, for some reason, trying the same thing with different characters, I didn't managed to get the same result... That's quite frustrating lol

Unfortunately, so far is a method which don't let me to do so many tries in a day as I usual do, so will probably be a slow process to understand what's wrong with the others.
For this reason, at least for now, I can't move to this method and the posts with it could be a bit rare. But, for sure, every time I get good ones you will definitely withness them!

Since I made many tests with Nagatoro, I got a good numbers of results. Usually I don't post everything I make, but I like them so much that this time could do this. Could make 3-4 posts.
Hopefully you will not get bored to have too many of her.



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