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The two moved in Ryo's room.

Ryo hadn't much clothing to remove, so in few moment was already naked.

Nijika, for the time being, was just there still watching at her body.

"So, what do you think of my body?

Has been how long since last time you saw it naked and the next day I drank that stuff? Two weeks I think?

You can't deny that it started to change. Sure, maybe slower than those two, but having those changes without any workout it's really impressive, right?

 Did this change your mind? Afterall, I must have been blessed with really good genes~" Ryo was showing her body with a little smirk in her face.

"Ok, ok, maybe you were right...

Still, this makes it a bit more irritating... thinking you are getting those results by just lazing around. Feel a bit bad for those who worked so hard to improve their bodies.

I really doubt my body would react like that without doing anything. Just look at it, seems almost like at some point it just stopped growing.

But, isn't time to complain.

Before starting, can I... Touch your body...?"

"Oh my, you look so horny~ Just be gentle~" Ryo replied with a teasing tone.

"Ok, than..." Nijika got closer and reached Ryo's body with her hand.

First she started to touch and more the hand around the abs area. "(My god... Last time I could faintly feel her abs shape, but now... they are so prominent. I can feel each one separately and are so firm. Every time I touch them, I can feel them flinching.)"

Than she moved her hand to one of the arms. "(It's definitely larger than last time, but there isn't any trace of fat. It feels really firm, all the size it gained it's definitely muscle mass.

There is a bulge on it, it's definitely her bicep. It's too toned or hard yet, but it feels like it's matter of time before it become a properly developed bicep.)".

Nijika continued to move her hand in every place of Ryo's body, with the blushing in her face getting more intense bit by bit.

"So, did you had enough fun, Miss Horny Girl? You've been rubbing my body for a bit now". At Ryo's works, a mesmerized Nijika finally come to her senses.

"Than, I think it's time to go for the main dish, I deserve so fun too right?"

That said, Ryo "helped" Nijika to remove her clothes, put her on the bed and sat on top of her.

"You feel lighter than usual, are you eating well?" Said Ryo after moving Nijika on the bed.

"I don't think it's my weight the thing that changed..."


Well... Enough talking, we are wasting precious time, and who knows how long we'll be alone. Someone could be back in few hours"

"Eh?? Few hours?? How long do you want..."

Talk time ended, Ryo got closer to Nijika shutting her mouth with her own.

They continued for some time, but at least before someone was back.



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