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After finally receiving a reply , reassuring her and telling her they would meet later a Bocchi's house, Kita was way more calm. But, after some time, she received another message.
A quite strange one.

"Sorry, Kita-chan, but this worked more than I expected and... I don't think my room will work very well now, at least until I figure out how to manage the space...
So, I searched for a place with bigger spaces and we can meet there. The rooms and the beds are pretty big there.
See you later."
A link to a certain place was in the message.

"What does she means with "worked more than expected"? And what's about managing the space?
She's bad at explainin stuff, as usual...
For now, let's see what's this place...
Eh? Is that and... Hotel??? What she have in mind??"

So, at the appointed time, she arrived at the hotel.
"Whoa, this certainly is a big place... And an automated counter, now I understand how she managed to do something like take a room without dying by embarassment..."

Not long after she was behind the door of the room.
"Well, she wasn't lying, has been a while since I saw a door big enough to let me in without too many difficulties. And, the ceiling..." She raised her hand "I can barely touch it by stretching, I can't remember last time it happened!"

She knocked at the door, but I was already open.

As she entered the big room, didn't took long before seeing the person already inside, turned to the other side, showing a massive and wide back.

"Eh? Are you kidding..."
Because of the stupor, she couldn't even finish the sentence.
The figure was huge, and the more she approached, the bigger it became.
Once she arrived in front of it, she had to do what she hadn't in a very long time, so much she almost forgot this feeling... She had to look up to make and eyes contact!

That figure was obviously Bocchi, which turned around once she noticed Kita's arrive.
"Ah! Kita-chan! There you are!"

"Hitori-chan... How do you... We just meet yesterday and still... you grew so much!"

Just one day passed, but the situation totally turned around.
The Bocchi she saw yesterday already had an amazing total growth, almost reaching her size, both in muscles and height.
That already convinced Kita that she was bound to surpass her soon, but not that soon and so much!

Now she barely could reach the height of Bocchi's shoulders.
The same shoulder that now were probably 2 times larger than yestarday. But it was unavoidable since they had to support two huge, thick and massive arms.
Despite the breasts didn't really changed much in size, they almost looked smalled because of the pectorals almost taking over all the chest area.
To support the immensive new extra weight, the lergs were now wider as her shoulders, so thick to look like a centuris-old tree's trunk.

Bocchi started to smile at Kita's surprise.
"How? Yesterday I finally understood how to make that drink work at it's full potential.
It's true that just drinking it starts a fast growth in your body and muscle mass.
But what's maked a bigger difference is your mind.
Do you remember when you started to grow more? Was when I told you I loved your muscles and wanted to see them getting bigger. And than, when during your last big spurt you wanted to grow more and more to show it at my return.
So, your mind, your motivation is what made the bigger difference. And there is a bigger motivation than love!

That's why since yesterday, during today's training, all I had in mind was you, your words and the determination to get bigger and bigger for you!"

At this word Kita started to blush, more than she already was after seeing that godlike figure.

"So... Do you like it, Kita-chan?" She told as she flexed her huge bicep just in front of Kita's face. Who's now could barely contain her excitement.

"Well, I can already see your responce watching you down there." Pointing at the big wet stain starting to show around her private parts.

"What do you expect, Hitori-chan? Seeing you so big, so beautiful, and how recently do you transform in a so cool yourself when we are alone... How could i resist all of that!!!"

"Than... After all the good times you gave me overwhelming me with your massive muscular body, making me feel it all over mine... This time I'll be the one showing you the true haven~
Yesterday was just a preview."

Time for talks was done, so Bocchi carried Kita's huge body like almost a children and tossed her in a composition of the beds assembled together (hoping they would resist the night).
And so they started a long night of intense...action.

Once the morning arrived, the two sneaked out the room and the hotel, before anyone could notice the result of last night. Basically a warzone.

"Kita-chan.... do you think the other girls will be bothered to have now two of us so big? And... will the live house big enough?"

"Well... maybe it will be a bit cramped? Or we can just find a bigger place!
And if they are bothered... they can just join use~"



Well, and this is the end of this second story!
Tomorrow will make a post were i'll talk more in the specific about my impression about it and future plans.
For now, I really hope you enjoyed it and thank you so much for the support until now!!!



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