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After not long she arrived at Kita's house, panting a bit after she did all the way in a rush.

"Anf... Sorry, Kita-chan, I'm a bit late, but... in the gym I lost the track of time."

While going in, she started to looks around the house she was now pretty used to, but, for some reason, something felt different.
"(Has her house always been so... small?)"

Now inside and in Kita's room, she noticed Kita hasn't still said a word but was just staring at her body all the time.

"Uh? Kita-chan, is something wrong?" she asked "You are strangely silent..."

"Eh? Ah...! S-Sorry! Is just that... well... I'm amazed on how big and beautiful you became in a so short time!
Has been just less than a week since you came here and told me how you wanted to focus more on your training... and just seeing how much you progressed makes me so happy!"

"Eh? What are you saying?" Replied curious Bocchi "It's true I grew a bit in those days, but isn't nothing to impress you yet..."

"Hitori-chan... have you checked yourself in the mirror lately?" asked curiously Kita.

"Well, sure, just before I left home... and I could see I'm still far from you"

"Than, why don't you check again." Kita pointed a big mirror covering a big part of a wall, probably recenlty bought since in the past she had a way smaller one, unable to reflect her entire body.

"Uh? Ok..."
She turned in direction of the mirror, but what she saw wans't what she expected... what she saw just not long ago.

Reflected in the mirror there was a way larger figure, with two huge arms supported by thick and strong shoulders. The clothes that were a perfect fit when she left home, where now stretched to almost their limit.
"Eh? Is this me? What's happening? I'm really so... big?!
But... when I was home I'm sure I wasn't so big, my body was almost half the size... what could have..."

But she couldn't continue her pondering that Kita went closer to her.

"Hitori-chan... I just can't resist... can I touch them?"
You could see from her bright red face the libido going up to skyrocketing levels, almost losing control.

As soon as she gave the ok, Kita arrived in front of her touching every cm of that now massive body.
"Ah... Kita-chan... for some reason my body feels so... sensitive..."
Maybe was caused by the recent growths, but, with Kita now in front of her Bocchi started to notice something.

"(Eh? Something feels strange... Since Kita-chan started to grow she became taller than me, and soon way taller, so much that I had to look up to watch her in the eyes. I got so used to that height difference that felt normal to me.
But... now she's in front of me and the eyes level distance shortened so much... Did I really grew so much to have already shortened the height difference so much?)"

But while Bocchi was immersed in her thoughts Kita started to not be satisfied anymore with just touching her body.
"Hitori-chan... those few days felt like ages, so now let's go to the serious business...!"

She tried to use her immense strenght to toss Bocchi on the bed as usual, but, surprisingly, instinctively Bocchi grabber her arm and using her own strenght she reversed the situation. Now, for the first time, Kita was the one laying on the bed.
Surprised by this unexpeted development and by how much Bocchi's strenght grew in so short time, Kita was just frozed watching Bocchi on top of her.

Bocchi's usualy shy and submissive expression became confident, her mind was like fogged by this whole new situation. "Kita-chan... this time... I'll be the one leading~"

"So cool...! Hitori-chan... you know that my body is basically your too!"

And so, maybe because of those few days of abstinence, they went until morning, while some light sunrays could be seen from the window.




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