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The next day you tried to go back to your normal life.
You can't hide that having sex with a cute girl for a whole time, and watching her grow day by day, was a really exciting experience, but as teacher stopping was the right choice.

The day passed pretty quietly but, in the evening, you received a strange text from Kazusa just telling "Please came here, quickly."
You tried to reply asking what happened, but didn't received any reply, so you left your office in a hurry.
During the wey to Kazusa's place, you started to think what could have happened, maybe some unexpected side effect?

Once you finally arrived her room's door was unlocked so you went inside.
The room was strangely dark, without any light on.
Once inside you started to call her.

| Kazusa? Are you here? |

Arrived in the middle of the room, you could hear the door closing and the click of the lock.
The room was now pinch black. You moved in the dark searching for the light switch, until you hit something.
You thought was a wall: tall, hard, but... warm too?

Finally, the light turned on, but you weren't the one who turned it on.

In front of you stood a huge figure, and there were not dubt on who was.

| K-Kazusa? Are you ok? |

| And... Your body...|

You didn't know what happened since yesterday, but in just one day her body grew exponentially.
Her arms became even bigger, almost making a tree trunk looks like a branch. Her shoulders and back were so wide that were making a huge shadow in front of her.

But, as amazing the growth of her muscle mass was, what was more impressive was the height. 

Until now, while her muscles continue to grow daily, her height remained more or less constant, with just few centimeters of growth.

But this time was different, now she was way way taller, taller than you. So much that you could just reach her chest area, looking like a kid next to her.

"Well, Sensei, surprised?" She still had her cute smile, like a cute pet trying to impress her master.

"After you left yesterday I thought a lot, on what your words ment, and finally I understood... I simply wasn't big enough to be irresistible.

That's why you left this, right?"

And so she showd you the empy little bottle you lost yesterday.

| Ah, I thought I lost it... Isn't like... |

"Don't be shy, Sensei. I know you left it here so I could grow more.

This time this strange drink was amazing, I started to grow right after I drank it, but..." Her cute smile started to looks more seductive and aggressive.

"I feel isn't over yet, my body need Sensei's love, his cum to grow more...!"

She started to remove the small piece of clothing she had on.

| Wait, Kazusa... I already told you... |

She didn't let you talk more that she already jumped on you, easily tearing your clothes and tossing you on the bed.

You futilely tried to make some resistance, but her strenght was too overwhelming.

"Are you trying to resist, Sensei? How cute~ You should know is now impossible to do that. I'm not the frail small girl of just one week ago, and this thanks to you... to your love!"

"And you look quite excited too~"

Kazusa reached your erected member and inserted it inside her body, who was way hotter than usual, almost burning.

"Than, Sensei, let's have some fun now!!"

She started to move her body, starting slowly, but didn't took much to get way faster and aggressive.

Her strenght and intensity was just too much for you that didn't took too much before making you come.

But, for her wasn't enough.

"Eh? Already? Afterall you really like it, uh? Eheh... But... this is just the start!"

She continued for who knows how long, making you come many times. Her body soon started to be covered on you cum splashing on her. 

And, maybe was your impression, since you started to became less and less lucid, but felt like every few times you came inside her her body continued to get heavier, followed by small jolts.

After many more times she suddenly stopped, silent. But you felt like this wasn't just because of her satisfaction...

This was a pretty long part lol
But the writing went pretty smooth, is pretty fun in those cases.
Probably the next one will be the last (or max penultimate)



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