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just a small update about progress this month, things are very slow as I've been and still am fairly sick, nothing bad apparently but still been very tired and feeling beaten and dizzy so I haven't been able to sit at the computer for work

I've been pre planning iruru gathering refs and such and mostly just resting, I hope to get well soon, I really like how she appears in the anime she has a nice face and shapes I'll try my best to do her justice even if I have to crunch for the remainder of the month

thank you for bearing with me, I realize with 2d art its easy to not notice if sometimes an artist makes 4 instead of 5 drawings, but with one 3d piece a month I feel very bad not having anything to show yet

as positive news, those that last month got DMG 3d model will have an update with a MMD version sooner than those usually take

I have also invested in upgrading my picarto to premium, so from now on my streams will automatically be kept as vods (most recent ones anyway) so you can rewatch if you miss them or skim over if you find them useful for learning 3d www.picarto.tv/Zy0n7 for those that don't follow already



Your health should always come first! Try not to worry about updates on Iruru, just focus on getting better first!