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Just wanted to say thanks, it's rewarding when I see encouragement or compliment messages from my patrons, brightens up the mood for sure.

This month is looking a bit hard, got hit by people that pledged at high tiers, deleted their account mid month and they got 100% refunded without a say from me, feels bad man.

Gonna start on the new 3d today, still deciding but want it to be sort of halloween-eske, at least like a demon or dark pokemon or something



Deleted accounts, the heck? I'm guessing that's somehow a way abusing pledges? How do they manage to evade repercussions on fraudulent purchases? Sounds like something to bring to attention of patreon's support / anti-fraud


I contancted them but I got a 'we are too busy to reply meanwhile check your FAQ' reply. One of them even contacted me via dm and asked questions about past rewards and stuff then one day the account is gone 404. The pledge wasn't, until today when they got refunded and I got the money taken lol. I put a lot of effort in trying to grow and these things hit hard.


I'm still here for you~

Brunosky Inc.

If you're looking for spoopy ideas, how about ghost waif Mismagius? I'd love to see your take on her!


Was actually between her or etna, shes my favorite pokemon but etna has legs given that booette already didnt have, def want to do more pokes soon tho