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-Current Public Build Downloads:
-Shady Lewd Kart (10/25/2022 Spooky Build)
-Under the Hood (2/2/2023 New Engine Build)

Patreon/Test Build Downloads:
-Shady Lewd Kart (11/5/2023 New UI Build)
-Under the Hood (25/5/2023 Final Test Build)

Sketch Pack Downloads
-Shady Lewd Kart Vol 1: Sexy Racer Sketch Pack
-Slime Girl Sketch & Animatic Pack

HI REZ Image Pack Downloads:
-Shady Lewd Kart Vol 1: Sexy Adventurer Pack
-Shady Lewd Kart Vol 2: Silvie & Detour Part 1

Alpha/Lost/Scrapped Game Build Downloads:
-A Social Experiment 2013 (Alpha/Concept)
-Shades Panty Fishing Frenzy 2016 (Alpha/Concept)

HD Wallpaper Packs:
-Shady Lewd Kart Wallpaper HD Pack!

Apolgies for the lack of update last week. A lot has happened for the past few weeks so I wanted to roll everything up into one ball of an update. But expect what your about to see below a hell of a package of content.

Shady Lewd Kart (Xmas Content Finale)
We are hard at work on the Christmas Track for this year, Christmas Island resort. And wow has it turned into one of my favorite themed tracks.

We added new routes to take with ice that has frozen over the tracks. Making things even more hectic when it comes to exploring the island.

A lot of the routes take you through areas Ive always wanted to showcase. Over the waterfall and through the main hills. Also an added loop spiral to add some extra track time and mayhem when trying to stay first.

Also we needed to sex up the snowmen. How will we ever stay on Steam with this kind of content is BEYOND me. We be riding that line.

The final touches we added was to make it nighttime. Which honestly changed the entire look. Molegato suggested this last minute and it just gave this track such a unique vibe and feels even more seperate to its counterpart.

We are beyond excited for you to try this one. This will also be the last seasonal track we make as its completes a cup amount of four tracks. The question is now do we add a seasonal cup for you to try???

Also unlocking Silviedeer will be a special skin you can obtain on the track. So keep an eye out for the hint on how to unlock this one in a very special way.

Also a new Trolly Kart has been added to the roster. Where you would pick up this junk kart from is news to us but now you can use this time to shop for your favorite Waifu!

Flambeau (Menus and Cutscenes)
Boriko has been working hard on the animating and creation of each scene to feel above the original. The past few weeks have shown how far we have come. Today I want to showcase the mansion!

I love the feeling of it almost looking like Clay! It really captures Ducky's style and my vision into a 3D feel that I think will add to the cutscenes. The polish of this game really stands as one of our most well designed games to date.

Also as you can see in this gif the main menu animation is looking ready! Panning into the story of Flambeau the leather bound book is just a small but great improvment over the original game design. I never knew how to tackle menus when I made the first game so this is just ten steps ahead.


Slime Girl Smoothies (Soundtrack Lo Fi Video)

We are working on something for you peeps who are huge fans of the music of Slime Girl Smoothies. As we finish up the music for the DLC we are going to release a video you can have on in the background to enjoy the music. This image by Pix is what will be the image you can have much like Lo Fi Girl!


Videos Galore (FunDogs & Dat Game!)

Two videos dropped last few weeks. One being a games room tour from Shades as well as a video review on The Bindmancer! The review by HaruLuna really takes you on a tour of how sexy this game is. And the room tour is over an hour long...so enjoy those XD
The Bindmancer Dat Shorts:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HCP4HoX-p0Y
Shades Games Room Tour: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rcpVeC4Hu5o

Meanwhile the bois played some back alley bowling and some Bishi Bashi this past week. A lot of fun was had with Shades and Clem so be sure to check these ones out too!
Bishi Bashi: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VU8rF1OwPC8
Bowling: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AVuN-4iunqg 


Well thats it for this week and past! Holy crap it was a crazy one! Im honestly ready for a holiday but we have so much more to get done including the XXXmas update for Shady Lewd Kart so stay tuned.

As always thank you for supporting us on Patreon we couldnt of got this done without you!

- Shades



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