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-Current Public Build Downloads:
-Shady Lewd Kart (10/25/2022 Spooky Build)
-Under the Hood (2/2/2023 New Engine Build)

Patreon/Test Build Downloads:
-Shady Lewd Kart (11/5/2023 New UI Build)
-Under the Hood (25/5/2023 Final Test Build)

Sketch Pack Downloads
-Shady Lewd Kart Vol 1: Sexy Racer Sketch Pack
-Slime Girl Sketch & Animatic Pack

HI REZ Image Pack Downloads:
-Shady Lewd Kart Vol 1: Sexy Adventurer Pack
-Shady Lewd Kart Vol 2: Silvie & Detour Part 1

Alpha/Lost/Scrapped Game Build Downloads:
-A Social Experiment 2013 (Alpha/Concept)

HD Wallpaper Packs:
-Shady Lewd Kart Wallpaper HD Pack!

This week is a new month for us here at Shady Corner! October brings the spooky month but while you settle in for some scares and sexy ghosts lets go over last weeks progress on our games. BECAUSE THERE IS A LOT!

Shady Lewd Kart (Silvie's Machine, Voting Results & MORE!)
First up the new track basics are almost layed out. We have been working hard to make it a fun little alt to Hentai Express!

With the figure 8 style map with a sort of wide turn added to the mix its going to add some much needed chaos as people drive above and below each other.

The ruins of the track really showcase what we can do with creating a story with the theme of a track. Dont fret, this here is just early days of what it looks like. Most of what we do at this point is add parts till we think it feels right. Then we add decoration

I will say in a week or so we will need testers to come in and take a crack at the track and let us know if it feels and plays okay. The goal of the tracks now is to make sure you are happy when unlocking those lewds!

Meanwhile Ducky has been working on some more skins. Two being Tayla and Zell from Love & Enchants for UK Shadette! She honestly rocks the costumes so much and these will come with two lewds for you to check over with those pervy eyes. Also our next Patreon skin for Proceleon is also in the works. So you based furry peeps get another knot in that tangle of racers.

We also released a wallpaper pack for you Patreon's who have provided us so much support. These amazing wallpapers by Sed our UI expert has been nothing short of amazing! You can download them here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/shady-lewd-kart-90030670 

One of the new additions to the unlocks of Shady Lewd Kart has been No Nut's new animations. I felt they needed to all match in someway. So I came up with a special wheel Silvie will test on the Pitgirls. Winning the certain No Nut's will unlock this experiment.

They will all have their own speeds you can adjust just like in No Nut and with their low poly look to match Kart we thing they turned out quite cute. And yet so very lewd...

Also Taiga-tan took the lead in the end of the voting. Meaning she moves onto the second last round! This week the voting will begin for Korvald and Luccia taking the roster down to the WIRE!

Flambeau (A behind the scenes of the process)
A lot of the process when it comes to Flambeau isnt just repainting the assets. But starting from scratch. Boriko has not only been doing this but also modeleing them in 3D to help understand lighting and depth.

It really does show when you also look at the new lighting effects they have been working on within the walls of the game. Here you can really see what simple effects can do to walls and hallways.

Also you can see a lot of the kitchen assets are done in the new style now too. Those have taken longer as Ducky needed to design them as well before being transformed into this new updated style.

Dat Game LIVE & Maid Shades (How the Sausage is Made and wears a dress)

This past week I filmed the entire process of how I write, record and film an episode of Dat Game infront of a live chat. It was a hell of a ride to do it but has come out as one of the most interesting games Ive covered in a while. It will be out soon as I need to edit it. But if you want to see the entire process we uploaded it to our VOD Channel here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCH_XmTbTER_qYp9TLO6ZZKg

Also to conclude our serious month of streaming content for you all we made it to Day 30 and I wore a maid outfit on stream. Victorian because im not a whore. Anyways the full thing will be up on the archive channel too. A highlight reel will be out soon once i get back to the work Im behind on from the weekend.

A BIG THANK YOU TO ALL OUR PATREONS!!!! TO YOU HALLOWEEN FANS YOUR SHIRT IS BEING PRINTED AND ON ITS WAY!!! HOW EXCITING! Again thank you for helping us to push hard when it comes to making sexy and fun content. I couldnt do it without you the amazing fans.

- Shades



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