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So first off I wanted to say thank you. This has been a rocky start to the year with Youtube being the worst platform to work for. Your pledges have helped heaps. I love you all for supporting this series and my stupid sexy antics.

So first off I wanted to show you the Dat Japan DVD cover we have finished and ready to go. Done by the amazing Candy Lady, she captured Japan for me on one solid picture. Im not sure when this DVD will drop as Im working on so much content for the channel for it and the DVD exclusive stuff. But I may do a preorder as I will be giving away some stuff.

So with each DVD Im giving away things ive bought in Japan. All sexy Dat Game related from games to figures. Stuff I got as spares so I could give to you. And Im excited to do this! I cannot wait to give you peeps a taste of Japan!

Also Im so happy your digging the new content on the channel from the teasers and short videos Ive put in between to the all new Dat Anime!

More is to come these next few weeks including another new show, more Dat Japan shows and goodness and even a demo to one of our hentai games!! At long last you can wrap those shady peeps around some games we have made!

Anyways Ive rambled along for a while. Have an amazing Easter Shady Peeps and more content is coming! Its flowing out my ears!!!




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