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-Current Public Build Downloads:
-Shady Lewd Kart (10/25/2022 Spooky Build)
-Under the Hood (2/2/2023 New Engine Build)

-Patreon/Test Build Downloads:
-Shady Lewd Kart (11/5/2023 New UI Build)

Sketch Pack Downloads
-Shady Lewd Kart Vol 1: Sexy Racer Sketch Pack
-HI REZ Image Packs: TBA
-Alpha/Lost/Scrapped Game Build Downloads: TBA

Another amazing week of hard work and lewd game building from myself and the team at Shady Corner! Thank you to all the new patreon's hitting up our cause to create some awesome games with amazing 'assets'. Lets get to the news!

Shady Lewd Kart (New Track & Racers)
A new track has begun. The first piece was layed out today with a solid foundation of a gritty and dirty floor. This one is going to be dark.

The vents with this one will create steam across the track making even the darkest of tops see through.

Racers are in full swing as two new drivers will be joining the roster. But we cannout obviously show anything without giving away infomation on who they are. So the next best thing is a color of one of their karts.

Lewds have been completed for each driver and we are now entering the final phase of the storyboards for each racers intro and outro. The voices are recorded so its over to Ducky to finish up these amazing cutscenes!

This week we also released our first sketch pack containing Sunny, Frank, Melody and Twisted Terry. Some early sketches of their lewd unlocks! Check it out here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/sketch-pack-vol-83473468 

Speaking of which Pixie Willow lost the votes by 7! You peeps really had a rally to get her the but Eliminator Kaede makes it to the next round. So tomorrow we will be announcing the next racers you will be voting on!

Flambeau (Animated dripping and themes)
Flambeau got a lot of love this week. Lets take a look at her new portrait showcasing some gooey action.

These are now fully animated though with Patreon and it being a public post we may have to put these in a hidden post so you can see each frame. She now oozes with wax as she gets more hurt...and yet she seems to enjoy it?

Other parts to the house were finished this week including animations of doors, buttons and the mold of the walls in later levels.

Each door has a frame animated to its angle...the animator is sparing no expense on how this will turn out. So each angle will give you the full 3D top down view with every piece intended for its location and angle.

Ducky has also been working on items for the new area of the Deluxxx edition being the cut Kitchen level. With a frying pan that you can possess to knock out treaters and even an oven you can cook and possess a chicken inside.

The best part is Flambeau will have both styles so even if you want the classic feel it will be as simple as turing it on and off via the menu toggle for the full HD glow up or classic edition.

Slime Girl Smoothies DLC (Final Coding Build)
The coding is underway. The art being all done we are now awaiting on feedback so we can start testing. Here is a preview of some sketch work with Lemon. What is she drinking?

Under the Hood (Final Test Build)
If you didnt see. We sent out the final test build of Under the Hood. So far no feedback has been given so we are awaiting just a bit longer to see if we squashed all the bugs before it goes gold. Want to test it? Go here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/under-hood-final-83522067

Once this is out the way I will be returning to Marble Maid 2 and working on the level design. Ive been dying to show you all what is to come with the levels and get a build out to testers.

As always its been a fantastic week! Thank you all for the support and we hope to see you for the month of June! Big steam sales and even bigger strides will be made on all fronts with some cool announcments coming!



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