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-Current Public Build Downloads:
-Shady Lewd Kart (10/25/2022 Spooky Build)
-Under the Hood (2/2/2023 New Engine Build)

-Patreon/Test Build Downloads:
-Shady Lewd Kart (11/5/2023 New UI Build)

-WIP Sketch Packs: TBA
-HI REZ Image Packs: TBA
-Alpha/Lost/Scrapped Game Build Downloads: TBA

Welcome to the second week roundup of Shady Corner! Lots to talk about this week from Kart, Smoothies and videos with a lot of lewdness in between!

Shady Lewd Kart (Menu Logos)

We just got this cute and sexy menu for the Events tab for Kart. We have a lot brewing but wanted to show you this as its honestly the highlight for us at the office! Expect the menu changes to roll out in the weeks to come!

Slime Girl Smoothies DLC (Lemon's Drinks and Lewds)

One of the lewds we have been working on is Lemon's finale. We will be posting those sketches for everyone to enjoy with your sketch packs this week to download! A lot of these lewds have been fun to make but I cannot reveal them all as it is a spoiler to a story element. However lets take a look at the new Drinks Lemon is bringing to the bar with her milk.

Look at all that milk. Bet it has a taste of sweet sugar with her southern belle accent. I cannot wait for you to try them....

Or how about a double scoop to share with a friend. This one has some sweet pre milk dripping off the edges. One that will give you a candy rush for weeks.

Flambeau Deluxxx (Yurei the Oni)

Flambeau Deluxxx will introduce a shelved character known as Yurei the Oni. A sexy flat ghost who is ready to make sure you never leave the mansion.

She is a cutie little ghost that looks like she will be causing Flambeau much mayhem....how you may ask? Depends if you can escape?

Also windows for the Toxin fight have been animated to show day and night being drawn as she goes into hiding. I love the simple glow these give off. I know its only one level but this will be a fun little gimmick for people who havent gone against her before.

Dat Game (Episode 100 launches tomorrow!)

A lot has gone into this video. Now towering at 40 minutes long. I took a day to sit and think about the final edits just to see if anything needs tighter cuts. But it looks like the review launches tomorrow.

Ohhhhhh look at that thumbnail!!!!!

Thank you peeps for endulging me on the weekly update and the new changes for Patreon! We are working to bring you some even more sexy content regarding the games in the coming days with the packs and image downloads so hang tight! Also Under the Hood is this week for you testers as this is the final run before launch!!!!



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