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So its been a while since Ive talked about our game development but I think now that Im back in the office its now time to give everyone the scoop.

Myself, and my team have been working hard trying to get these together. And I want people to know that as someone who also works a full time job while youtubing its been hard. Its honestly one of the hardest things to do. Money was never an issue so it was easy to hire the best artists we could find. But time is another story.

This year things have changed. I myself have found another job so I can focus more on the games. I want this year to be the year we release our products. Show the lewd world what we got!

Lets talk about Detour. Our first game we hinted. We worked with three artists on this and have been tweeking and pulling things around like crazy. But as we went on we decided to change direction as the more reviews we did the more demand for tigher gameplay began. I know that doesnt make much sence but Detour is our entry into the lewd gaming scene. So we wanted to do it right.

The artists are already finished on their end as of October last year so its now left to me to tweek and polish it. I was going to release it during Xmas but right now I want to make sure she gets top tier love. I want her to be remembered. And to do that I have been taking the time to pull it apart and tighten it up. Dont feel like we have forgotten her. She is our flag ship. But she is also something we want to be perfect. So stay tuned for more news.

Next up is our visual novel Okonomiyaki. Our Pizza waifu dating novel. Candy Lady has been working hard on the art. We plan to launch it this year as the steady flow of art and how easy it is to manage means we can put out a visual novel that even I would be a fan of.

I never liked visual novels but the challenge was to create one that was not like the rest. And had character. And this will show it in the final product. We are aiming for the Visual Novel Marathon this year for its release but may be earlier. Again stay tuned to the patreon feed and also to the front page as we update the status of the game builds.

Last is Flambeau. A project that we were working on during Detour and Okonomiyaki. The goal was that while games were being tested, music being mixed and art being made we could make a small game on the side. Because I hate being bored and ideas flow out of me!

It was a tough choice as we had a number of concepts to go with. Last year we made the charity game Pantsu Dreams during the production of our first two. To great reception. And the goal for Flambeau is to be the filler between the two or to atleast give you peeps some variaty in choce of games we make.

Again I hope this has cleared some things up. Its been a tough year with the trip to Japan and adjusting to the new video layouts but we plan to make 2017 ours. And to do that we need your support. Make sure you tell us what you think. What we can do and where we can go next. And to those in the Patreon tier for Beta's stay tuned as you will be able to play the games before everyone else and let us know first had if they shook your rocks!

- Shades



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