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Heya peeps I wanted to do this post today with updates on everything to show its all still moving. I know you all can see the posts but you know me, I like to keep active and show every step we take.

Shady Lewd Kart: We are working on the track for the big update but have hit a small wall. Our main mechanic Molegato just launched his game Frogun (which uses the same level engine as Marble Maid) and it has been crazy busy with bugs updates and more. I discussed with him a few days ago and told him to take his time to get back to a level of work so he doesnt overwork. The level editor has helped us to make many awesome things in our games so if anything Frogun's launch will help our games in the future.

So the update for Kart will be a tad longer. I apoligise for the wait as It has been a hot minute since some Kart content. Meanwhile Ducky is working on the art for the damage bubbles and last cutscenes for the update so things are still happening!

Marble Maid & Slime Girl Smoothies: I am working on the new Marble Maid title and working on some test levels as we speak. I want to see if we are heading in the right direction so hang tight. As for Slime Girls in our last post we finished the game and are just waiting on a date. Hopefully this month so we can send keys out to you Patreons soon!

Under the Hood: Now that Slime Girls is done Il be focusing on Under the Hoods next build, as Im coding this one myself. So expect a new demo build to test out in the coming days.

Im Sick: So as ive mentione in the past I have an overactive ear, meaning I now have a blown ear and an infection due to the weather. Making my sleeping absolutly shot. I will work on rewards, emails and updates as I can. Im seeing a new doctor this week to get it sorted, as its affecting my work. Lucky though I can redirect Ducky and the rest of the team to keep plodding along while I get myself sorted. Also a new video dropped, its the big review I worked very hard on. So if you havent taken the time go give it a watch.

For now hang tight, Il still be active just a tad slower as I take care all of this. Thank you peeps for being so understanding and still supporting the development of our games and content. Myself, Ducky and Molegato are forever thankful.


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