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If you saw our previous post we let you peeps test a new game concept a few days ago! Located here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/concept-lewd-it-69734604

We have changed the following as to your requests :)
-made jumping instant

-changed the way ramp jumping works to accommodate

-eliminated bug where you get stuck kickflipping

-DOUBLED speed of acceleration/turning around

Now we want to see if that changes the minds of you peeps. If it gives you a feeling that we are traveling in the right direction. Let us know again below!



8.06 MB file on MEGA


Gaming Eelektross

Felt much better, mainly since I discovered grinding on pipes was a thing lol. I'll just state everything else in bullet points. -Slowing down feels much better but the lightest tap in a direction makes you zoom -Sometimes you cant make jumps unless you jump in mid air after going off a ramp; didnt have that happen before. If an air jump after taking a ramp is intended, then disregard this. (You dont get this jump if you jump from the ramp, just rolling over it) -Jumping is still delayed when you want to jump while grinding


The changes felt great and I was able to complete the stage objectives with less fighting with the controls this time. I do think you move too fast for what the stage is asking of the player. The camera movement is a bit jarring when changing directions. I enjoyed giving it a second go and I'd love to see more.