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We have a game concept we have been cooking up for the last few months in our spare time with our B team. Something retro and well...not like anything you have seen since the gameboy.

What we DO want if for you to download it, play it, and come back here and leave a comment below with your thoughts, bugs or feedback. We want to see if this is the right direction on a cool little idea.

(Btw this isnt taking away from Kart Marble Slime or Hood, this is a new team we have taken this idea to and are working together with myself. But hey tell us what you think. Do we have something?)

x is jump, c is grind, and you need to hold jump when going up ramps to gain the most height off them. also, if you want screenshots, q takes them (local app storage)


8.06 MB file on MEGA



Small camera issues where is makes it really hard to do anything if you turn around and want to jump, but nice fall animation.

Gaming Eelektross

Its a fun concept but as of now the momentum feels off and the jumps feel like they have a delay between pressing the key and the jump itself. Also is it possible to get past the big jump right above the girl? Dont see any way to if there is.