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Thank you for the month of June! We hit some major strides and completed a lot of tasks with Slime Girls as well as getting demos out for our partner games!

-We launched demos for Ruins, Zoria, Shred & Tear, Dancin Divas and Slime Girl Smoothes!
-We started the Nacho Stream Marathon!
-Fundogs retuned with four new videos!
-We added new merch including shirts and posters
-We collabed with AGL Studios to release a costume for Girls Overboard
-A major patch fix for Shady Lewd Kart!
-Slime Girl Smoothies entered its last day of polish
-Kincaid X Terry art for the monthly sketch!
-Dat Shorts we took a look at Detained!
-We released the current map for Shady Lewd Karts next update including teasing the new content
-Shady Corner Games Summer Showcase 2022 went live on youtube!
-Silvie and Detour join Dancin Devas!
-Slime Girl Smoothies Early access and Demo updates dropped!
-We tease a new dust bun for Marble Maids second game!
-Terry makes an apology about femboys
-Under the Witch launches with Shady Corner
-New sketches and work in progress for Kart were finished

July has already started with some amazing news as Slime Girl Smoothies is complete. so if you pledged the 20$ key tier expect an email with your full copy of Slime Girls!

Stay tuned as we have some new tiers, videos and announcments this month all thanks to YOU! Your support has helped a lot. We did drop a fair bit due to July patreon dip but we will keep pushing forward!


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