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I get a lot of questions about the tier options for kart and why it takes us a long time to add each reward. Rewards being hats, karts, skins for patreons. They are all on a huge list. We have had this list for a year or so and its kind of the guide we use for Kart.

The main reason we don't add new content straight away from patreons is we spread everything out, have contracts to hold up and plan our content in line with events, game releases and such to help the games lifespan. Pledges for each month on patreon also affect the output.

So I want to reveal that I have never forgotten each pledge. Where your pledge went and your rewards. As you can see they are here on this chart. The green is filled, purple in production. Black we haven't touched.

The colours on the right showcase content in general. Blue being the roster. Green being game content. Red being missions from guests and patreons.

I wanted to keep most of this secret but I feel showing my hand in how we do things would give you all some clarification on how we add each piece and decide on what comes next. As you can see i haven't blurred the patreon content but tried to conceal some content to show you the scope. How we shrunk it down from its messy progress and how we are aiming to finish everything we have on our list.

Thank you again for being patient for our small team. Its just me Ducky and Molegato working full time on kart. With altered ego and artists working as guest artists so it means a lot for you all to know and understand we are working at full speed.




Endark Culi

I picked a good time to become an official Patron of yours. All of the hard work that you, Ducky, and Molegato have put into Lewd Kart is certainly appreciated, and not rushing through things has led to some wonderful content thus far. Best of luck as development continues, and remember to take care of yourselves!