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Bit of an update so ive had a few health issues Im trying to get a hold of. Mostly related due to chest pains and breathing. Most docs are putting it down to stress and overworking but its at a stage Im past burnout and working on pure heart at this point.

So ive decided to pull back a tad for my body to recover. The pain is like a crushing in the chest followed with lack of breathing and as far as they can gather I am just way too much of a workaholic. This isnt even including my heart stuff, hearing problems or general health issues. I know what you are going to all say. I am on it 100% <3

I have slowed down heaps and got @Breezy52#3970  to take more of the weight. Seeing doctors and getting myself right. BUUUUTTTTTT:

What you can expect in the next few days are.

-New Dat Game Videos

-New Marble Maid Switch Ads

-Shady Lewd Kart Easter Event 2022 (New Stuff omg!)

-AND I will be streaming for my birthday this Sunday!! Having a chill gaming stream with you peeps!

I am still working just more in a tactical way. But I also want to keep you in the loop of my health and things down the pipeline when it comes to content you are supporting me for <3 Love ya peeps - Shades


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