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Last year we were under the pump with work, and had to put on hold a lot of content. But to keep you all busy we don't want any of this to stay on the cutting room floor. So we are finishing up Nightmare at the Museam.

Long after Shady Lewd Kart is long and forgotten, the museam lays waste to the dead, the haunted and the lost. You will find the graves marked by many names you know, raining blood and ghosts that will try to grab hold of you.

This will be the last halloween track we commit to as well XD We have Flambeau's as our Boos mansion and Pumpkin Chaos as the Halloween track for the year before last. So this one will be our final event track for Halloween. But thats not to say there will not be more events for October but we are cramming a lot of tracks in including event based tracks. And we have a lot more planned, not just main tracks, guest tracks from other games but event tracks too. And with our limited slots we want you to not have to see a pumpkin every few tracks XD

Either way this is a fun track, we are finishing up the design now as a destroyed ruin of the Museam you can travel around. With a little more flair and style its the next part of the new update dropping VERY VERY soon!

Also the next track has been drawn....a guest track...from a very big franchise!



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