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Thank you all for waiting on this big Christmas update! It was a tough road but we got there just in time to stuff your stocking!

With two new racers, Vivian from the Vagrant, and Jane from Almastriga joining the roster and bringing fuck load of lewds with them to unlock! With their sexy story modes and even damage bubbles too!

New Years Eve Detour and her CG are ready to be bought in the store to celebrate the new year along with the Halo and Scouter to pimp out your waifus!

The Chastity skin for UK Shadette which is a cute and adorable IP from our friends @ComixBlade!

The Return of the XXXmas 2020 event with unlockable karts and skins. As well as a new 2021 event with love for Tiana, more for UKShadette and a beanie and Jeep!

We also have introduced the Panty Gatcha, to really drain you of your Shady Bux. And trust me....getting these panties will get you into a certain place in Shades heart.....

And at long last the next track. The Hentai XXXpress! A train heist level with some daring jumps and boppin music!

If there are any bugs don't forget to let us know or swing by the discord and let us squash them so you this holidays can have fun on the track!

Thank you THANK YOU for getting us to our second christmas! What a ride this has been. Shady Lewd Kart is the sexiest and jam packed game in the hentai gaming circuit! Its because of you. So I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Until next year's update. See you on the track ;)




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